Talking Freely

Anyone can talk about anything freely at this post (of comment).
Please enjoy interchange with various people.

Let's talking!


Anonymous said…

I want to thank you for linking me in your site: ( )!!!

I am mostly thankful for that! Thanks!

I love your works and this post is truely wonderful because I can say that I knew many poeple because of this art and Origami is friendship and respect!

Bye Mio!
Mio Tsugawa said…
Dear catarina ramos

Thank you for writing.
Your Bloom is so beautiful.
Is this a present, isn't it?
For who?? Your friend??

The page ""
is just top of discovered.
It is replaced with a newer thing.

Your log is here.

This page is semipermanent.
Thank you for your nice works and message.

Please talk anytime feel free.
May said…
I am Brazilian and I realy love your works!!!
I already did the fragrance but isn't on my blog... and is a complete success in Brazil this kusudama.
And I agree whit Catarina, I meet many wonderfull people because of this art and this little peace of paper!
Congratulations for your work and for help everybody showing the diagrams. Thanks a lot for that!!


Mio Tsugawa said…
Hello, may.

Thank you very much for your message!
The small paper folding seems to be a big magnet.
It attracts(draws) a lot of people.
The Anniversary has a lot of arrangements.

I want to see your works sometime.

Big hugs,
Catarina Ramos said…
Hello Mio!

Long time no see! hihi

Thank you for that Bloom diagram! Yes it is was a present for a dear person in my life!

I didn't know that site! I will add it to my faves ;)
