(C) Mio Tsugawa
This year, it is just the 100th year since Japanese began emigration to Brazil.
I celebrate it and made the works.
These works are for all Japanese Brazilian, and persons who want to celebrate it.

One flower needs 5 parts, and 60 parts are needed for whole.
*** Anniversary 2 ***

Please begin with process 9 of Anniversary.

One flower needs 5 parts, and 60 parts are needed for whole.
This is one compass to arrange the tradition work.
You will be able to make a lot of arrangement from this instruction.
Arigatou gozaimashita for the "Anniversary" model! This year is the 100th anniversary for the Japanese Immigration in Brazil as you know! Thank you very much for remember this special date for all Japanese people from Brazil.
A lot of Japanese celebrate it, and there are various events in everywhere of Japan.
I hope we will be friendly and keep good relationship.
Thank you for your trying the model.
I'm looking forward to your work!
ômedeto for us all. I´m brazilian, I´m Gaijin, but in my soul I´m a real japanese.
Thank you so much for this incredible art!
Beijos from Brazil (kisses from Brazil!
Arigato né!
Oh, you are sansei, aren't you?
I'm very glad that origami connects us.
Omedetou and Kanpai !!
>cibele almeida
Hi, cibele.
Arigatou for your comment.
I think that the Japanese Brazilian people are as Japanese people than Japanese people, because Japanese Brazilian people learn Japanese culture well.
Kissess and hugs,
Thank you for the message!
Uma torrada!!!
Thank you very much, to remember the 100 Anniversary of Japanese Community in Brazil. I am not a Japanese's descendent but I have so many japanese friends that I felt I must thank you too. I love all the Kusudamas you created and I hope one day to be able to create beautiful things in Origami as you. I also have a blog and I will be honored if you visited it http://criandoebrincando.blogspot.com
Arigatô from Rio de Janeiro
Regina Corrêa
Thank you for the comment!
I knew this anniversary from my town news a few month ago.
And it is reported on television or the radio a lot recently in Japan.
I feel very glad that I can interchange with a lot of Brazilians and Japanese Brazilians through origami.
I saw your blog, and works are so nice!!
Also using papers are wonderful!!
I've never seen those.
Thank you very much, again.
Happy folding!
The prince camem here to visit our country to show the appreciation and he went to a public event, i htink it was much like a parade, hope it may make Brazil notice more the japanese culture.
Take a look on my website:
As I like your diagrams so much, I have a link of your page in mmy blog. Hope you won't mind it.
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much for your message.
I hope that we can share of origami's joy and
cultural exchange as you said.
I saw your blog and love your works!
Thank you for putting the link of my webpage in your blog.
Happy folding!!
Here you can see the ones that I made: http://art-origami.blogspot.com/2008/07/anniversary-kusudama.html
I love them.
You are first person who made this model!!
And I made a link in my web page.
Thank you very much for your nice works!
I´m a Brazilian body with a Japanese soul! Origami filled out my life since I was a child. And since then, it always accompanied me!
I love your work, you are wonderful! Congratulations! thank you for sharing it with us!
Thank you for the message!
Your works are so nice!!
I love roses and butterflies, also Quilling's works!!
I hope you enjoyed this works.
thanks for the instructions! :D i'd been trying to find this flower cause i think is very beautiful ^_^ my english is not very good i'm brazilian :D
i'd like to know what you used to glue the flowers to make the kusudama
Your English is good!
I always use a quick-drying bond.
It's nice for getting parts together.
thanks for posting the diagrams!
Thank you for the message!
I hope you enjoy the kusudama models and learning Japanese!
I changed the photo.
Could it help you?